
2024.05.02 先生のつぶやき

2024 New English Teachers

The beginning of the new school year has welcomed two new English teachers to the team, Mr Trevor Allen (Canada) and Mr Paul Espinoza (Dominican Republic).

Trevor Allen

new teacher

Threshold Speaking & Listening, Vantage Reading & Writing, and General English 2

new teacher

Greeting Message
Hi everyone! My name is Trevor Allen and I am from Vancouver, Canada. I’ve been in Japan for almost twenty years. Do you have a favourite place? Mine is “Shimanamikaido”, between Hiroshima and Ehime. I go cycling there every year in the spring and fall.
I also love playing sports. I’m on an ice hockey team, play squash with my son, and cheer for the SoftBank Hawks.
I’m looking forward to sharing these experiences and many others with you as we study English together. Good luck!

Student Opinion
① He’s so interesting and has given me confidence speaking English. I used to be scared to speak in class.
② His teaching is so active and energetic, so I want to be involved in the class. He’s great!

new teacher

Paul Espinoza

new teacher

Intermediate Reading & Writing, Advanced Speaking & Listening
new teacher

Greeting Message
Hello everybody! My name is Paul Espinoza.
As you can probably guess from my last name, my family is Spanish, more precisely Basque. However, due to my father’s job we used to move around quite a bit, which is why I was born in Peru. Funny thing is that, I didn’t actually grew up there, but instead I grew up in the Dominican Republic.
The story doesn’t end there, though. When I was 21 years old I wasn’t really sure about what I wanted to do with my life so I ended up moving to China where I stayed for over 9 years.
I have been living in Japan for the last 6 years and a half, and I love it here.
As for my hobbies, they include hiking, painting, reading, and cooking.

Student Opinion
① His friendly personality makes this class good because he creates an enjoyable atmosphere.
② I’m always involved in the class and never want it to end. I really like his personality and knowledge.

new teacher


Please join me in welcoming these fantastic additions to our English Department.

Curriculum Coordinator : Gareth Warham




〒545-0053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36
