
2024.06.07 試験・テスト

Middle of Term One Exam Week Blog


The first exam week of the 2024 Academic Year has been complete. Each student took about eight exams and an English interview test. It was a new experience for many of the First Year students, especially those taking an exam in English for the first time. With the grades yet to be release the students are still nervously waiting, but the general impression from the teachers is that the students have performed well.

English Interviews

Many of the students also experienced an English Interview for the first time. At KIHS, the type of test questions differ depending on level. Basic to Threshold classes have to answer questions about their daily life and interests.
Above this level, the students have to speak to each other, not the teacher. Intermediate and Vantage describe two pictures and answer questions. This means they have to listen to each other before giving answers about themselves. Advanced students must also develop the answers of the other student and be critical of what they heard.

Tests in English

KIHS also have classes where the exams are in English, not for English, such as in the Geography, science and Civics courses. These exams test the students’ ability to communicate their knowledge in a clear and understandable way. These exams help the students to learn that language is used for sharing ideas and mistakes can be made without affecting this exchange.

Next Exam Week

The students now have about 7 weeks to improve their knowledge before the End of Term One exam week at the end of July. With big events such as the Osaka Model United Nations quickly approaching, students are not faced with the challenge of managing their time to maintain their studies and enjoy the increasingly pleasant weather.

教務主任 Gareth Warham




〒545-0053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36
