文科省よりスーパーグローバル大学として指定されている関西学院大学では、読売新聞・ジャパンタイムズとタイアップして「高校生英語エッセーコンテスト」を実施しています。メインテーマは「考えてみよう。世界のこと、日本のこと」。テーマに沿ったタイトルを考えて、300~400 words程度の英文にまとめて応募します。ホームページの応募方法のところに「英文エッセーの書き方」のページがあり、英文を書くときの文法上の注意点もまとめられています。英語を学習する者にとって有効な情報ですので、確認しておきたいですね。
今からでも応募できるコンテストとしては大阪国際大学・大阪国際短期大学部主催の「全国高校生英語スピーチコンテスト」があります。締め切りは10月7日消印有効です。テーマは「あなたはなぜ英語を勉強するのですか?(Why are you studying English?)」「日本の文化で特有なものは何ですか?(What is unique about Japanese culture?)」「海外から日本への観光客を増やすためにはどうしたらよいでしょうか?(How can we increase the number of tourists coming to Japan?)」の3つです。こちらは4分~5分のスピーチです。詳しくは大阪国際大学のホームページを確認下さい。
期限が迫っていますが、TOEICを実施しているIIBC(国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会)も英語エッセイコンテストを行っています。テーマは「私を変えた身近な異文化体験」です。「異文化」と言うとつい外国人との出会いや海外体験を思い浮かべますが、「異文化」は外国や外国人のことだけを意味するわけではないと注記されていて、自分と異なる価値観を持つ「相手」は「異文化」と考えることができる、と記されています。とりわけ、同じ価値観や考え方を持つようにとのプレッシャーを感じさせる文化的背景をもつ日本人にとって考えさせられるテーマです。語数は501~700 wordsです。締め切りは9月7日ですが、こちらは音声に吹き込む必要がありません。まだ間に合いますので、チャレンジしてみては如何でしょうか。
教育主任 滝本武
What I’m Thinking Most About
What my family has experienced is very different to the experiences that my classmates’ families have had. My parents were “boat people” or refugees, they left Vietnam about 20 years ago with a very simple boat which didn’t even have an engine. People slept sitting up because there was no room to lie down. They first reached Hong Kong and lived in a refugee camp for a few years then they came to Japan.
They told me it was an unforgettable and terrible journey. Many Vietnamese boat people died of starvation and were murdered by pirates on sea and so many people are still missing.
When they arrived in Japan, the Japanese government put them into accommodation for a while. They studied Japanese and did some easy work there. It was there that my parents met each other. They got married and had babies in Japan. 16 years ago I was born in Kobe. I went to a normal kindergarten, public elementary school and junior high school, of course in Japan. That is why my mind is quite Japanese and my home country is absolutely Japan. I love this country and my Japanese friends so much.
But I am very disappointed with the Japanese government. I think they discriminate against refugees. My parents have lived in Japan 20 years already, but they still cannot have Japanese nationality or a franchise, and the Japanese government didn’t give us “chiikishinkoken” which an autonomy distributed free to Japanese citizens, instead of money. The Japanese government says that we’re outsiders so they won’t give it to us even though we paid tax properly.
My family has to have special travel documents instead of a passport, which is very useless. We must get a visa wherever we go, and I always feel uncomfortable when I go through the customs because the customs officer always says, “What is this? Where is your passport?” I am so jealous of my cousins who live in Canada, their parents were refugees but they have Canadian passports and they have never had refugee discrimination or feel uncomfortable when they go through the customs.
Not only Canada, but also Australia, France and the United States took in a large number of refugees. All these countries gave a new nationality and franchise to Vietnamese boat people, except unfortunately Japan won’t allow refugees to become Japanese citizens. I think that is one of the reasons that Japanese are famous as cold people in the world.
Another example of how I am discriminated against in Japan is, that some Japanese companies do not want to employ me for part-time jobs because they consider me a foreigner, this makes me very sad. They do not want non-Japanese employees even if we can speak and write Japanese well. One day I called a restaurant looking for part-timers, I told them I wanted to work there, then they asked my name, so I said “My name is Merry Le,” they said “Are you Japanese?.” I explained my parents are Vietnamese but I was born in Japan and I entered normal Japanese public school, but he said “I’m sorry we cannot employ a foreigner.” That isn’t the only time a company wouldn’t hire me because of the same reason. It’s extremely unfair and disappointing.
I don’t think I am Vietnamese at all, and I can say there is only one place that I can call home, Japan. But the Japanese government still says we are outsiders. I think the Japanese government needs to make changes in their policies about refugees. I would like the Japanese government to stop discriminating and rethink the refugee problem.
関西外語専門学校 国際高等課程 レ・メリー
「朝日ニッケ英文エッセーコンテスト~18年の軌跡~180の優秀作品」 2005年
〒545-00053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36
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