2017.08.22 行事
【総括】第3回模擬国連大阪(Model United Nations Osaka 2017)が終了しました。
【↑こちらは7月8日に事前に行われたMock MUNの様子】
社会科・英語科 谷本浩瑛
駐大阪・神戸米国総領事館 広報担当領事 Brooke Spelman氏のスピーチ全文
Good morning, everyone.
I’m Brooke Spelman, the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Consulate General Osaka-Kobe.
I am so pleased to be here today, and want to thank everyone at Model UN Osaka Executive Committee – especially Kotani-san – for inviting me here today. I would also like to thank everyone at iHouse Osaka for hosting this exciting event.
The agenda for this year’s event – “Reducing Inequality through Sustainable Development” – is an important one.
As you all know, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or Global Goals, that came into effect about a year and a half ago are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the Global Goals will require governments, the private sector, civil society, and citizens alike to partner together to reach the targets set out by the year 2030.
It’s an ambitious objective, but it’s not impossible.
In fact, it’s even more possible because students like you are taking the time to study the issues, research different countries’ positions, and propose realistic solutions. Your work today will make a difference.
So, I’d like you all to keep in mind a couple of things as you participate in your sessions today and tomorrow.
For one, the specific goals you are focused on – “Quality Education,” “Decent Work and Economic Growth,” and Sustainable Cities and Communities” – are interconnected, as are all of the Global Goals. That means that the key to finding solutions to these problems on one issue will often involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another issue. Don’t be afraid to find these connections and use them to your advantage. Sometimes, this may mean thinking outside of the box and being creative in your ideas, which you should also not hesitate to do.
Second, use this opportunity to sharpen some life-skills that will be valuable for you not only today and tomorrow, but in school, in college, in your career, and in life.
One, of course, is negotiation. You’re going to need to convince your colleagues today that your position and your needs deserve consideration and attention, and you’re going to need to explain to them why that’s the case. Developing a strong case and backing it up with logical reasoning that others can relate to is crucial to being a solid negotiator. Being ready to make compromises and knowing where your limits are is also important in negotiation, so keep that in mind.
Another key skill is partnership. You may have a compelling position, but you may not be able to get support for it unless you partner with another country. Reaching out to others and asking them for help or for cooperation is sometimes not easy. Sometimes our first reaction is to not want to admit that we need help, or that we cannot do something alone. Being strong alone is important, but knowing how to be a partner is also an important skill. So focus on practicing how to be a good partner, as well.
Yet another skill is problem solving. Sometimes it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer size of a problem. It can seem daunting and even impossible to think about a solution. In those types of situations, sometimes it helps to break a problem down into smaller parts, and to address each part separately. Take one aspect of a problem at a time, and be realistic about what can and cannot be accomplished. Doing so will help you find an overall solution, and will make the problem seem less overwhelming.
And lastly, as you engage with your colleagues on these issues, and you discover the challenges of negotiation, partnerships and problem solving, remember that it’s important to always have friends and allies to help you reach your goal.
Whatever country you are representing today, think about whom your friends are, which countries could become your friend, and how you can work together.
In particular, I want you to remember that in the real world, the United States and Japan are friends. Not only are we friends, but we are old friends, and we are good friends. Our friendship is solid, and it is unshakable. We work together around the world to solve many problems, some of which you will be talking about today.
We have worked hard to make it this way, and we will need to work hard to keep it that way in the future.
As we look ahead to the future, it is up to you, the young people of Japan and the United States, to continue that friendship.
So that is my last request of the day. As you think about and tackle these global problems today and tomorrow, remember that if the friendship and alliance between the United States and Japan is strong, together we can help solve these issues. So let’s keep our friendship strong!
In closing, I would like to congratulate you all for being part of this year’s Model UN Osaka event, and I wish you a successful and productive two days.
大阪北ロータリークラブ元会長 鴻池一季氏のスピーチ全文
Good morning everybody.
It is my great pleasure to make a speech at an opening of MUN OSAKA 2017 on behalf of Rotary Club of Osaka North. It is quite meaningful for participating high school students to discuss under the theme of “Reducing Inequality through Sustainable Development”. Through discussions in this MUN you will deepen your knowledge of various international issues and understand different opinions in accordance with different stand points, as well as developing your English presentation ability. The issues of international relations as well as the environments surrounding international communities have been drastically changing in recent years. And those situations are not “a matter of other mountains” which is happening abroad but closely related to our domestic matters and influential to our daily life. Therefore, I believe, that it is very important and meaningful to discuss international issues by way of participating in MUN. Especially the issue of inequality is getting bigger as influence of the waves of globalism has been growing larger. And it is happening in Japan, too. I think equality
issue is quite difficult ,because it is difficult to define equality. Equality varies according to view points, such as ability, chance, start point and result.
Here, let me briefly introduce about a Rotary Club which I am representing today. Rotary Club is an voluntary organization for social services whose activities spread internationally and has long history of 112 years. Its worldwide membership is 1,2000,000 at 32,000 clubs in 166 countries. Rotary clubs have closely collaborated with UN organizations such as UNESCO, UNISEF, etc. Fields of our service extend to those of vocational service, social service, international service and youth service. I am a member of Rotary Club of Osaka North for the last thirty two years engaging in various field of services. For the past years I have been acting as a leader of a committee for Revitalization from East Japan Great Earthquake Disaster. Through these activities, I realize that there so many people who needs supports in this world and that there are so many things we can do to help them.
In this MUN I hope you will acquire a variety of ideas through discussions with other participants and make it a start point to think various matters globally.
I wish all the success of this MUN OSAKA 2017.
Thank you .
〒545-00053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36
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