多感で吸収力旺盛な高校生こそ、外国人教員のAll Englishの授業に柔軟に適応できます。このため高校時代に受ける、インターナショナルスクールならではの教育が生きてきます。
本校は、外国人教員と日本人教員の授業により、国際社会を生き抜くグローバル人材、外国人と対等に渡り合うことができる国際人(Tough Negotiator)育成を目指しています。
5.自由と規律(Liberty & Discipline)の校風のなか、責任ある自由、個性豊かで健全な人格形成を目指します
Our School Mission
Our School Mission
Educating students to become global citizens who can utilize English, we foster learners to play an active role in an international environment. At our school, classes are taught by international representatives from across a diverse range of communities and will foster the ability to understand complex situations and come to a fruitful resolution and contribute to the international society.
Our Education
1.Educate students to be able to use real English in an international environment.
2.Foster international citizens with knowledge and culture.
3.Focus on student-centered education to foster thinking skills, communication skills, and independence.
4.Aim to raise student’s academic abilities to enter prestigious Japanese universities as well as universities abroad.
5.Aim to foster responsible, individualistic, and healthy learners within a school with liberty and discipline.
関西インターナショナルハイスクール(関西外語専門学校 国際高等課程)は、外国語の指導を通じて、幅広い教養を身に付け、国際的視野をもつ人間を育てることを目的として設立されています。あらゆる学問の土台となる一般教養科目を学ぶことによって、知識を高め、また日本をとりまく世界に目を向けることによって国際感覚を身に付ける。これが生徒の将来の可能性を無限に広げていくものと私たちは信じます。
School Principles
Liberal Education
Kansai International High School was founded to provide a broad based liberal arts education with an international perspective. Our belief is that a liberal arts education is one of the best academic preparations. This , coupled with the knowledge of and familiarity with the world beyond Japan affords our students the greatest potential opportunities.
In English
Mastery of English language is the fundamental goal of K.I.H.S., hence English should be the primary language of instruction and communication both in and out of class. Our students are expected to commit themselves to using English as much as possible on any occasion at K.I.H.S..
Liberty and Responsibility
Considerable liberty is granted to our students. We believe that liberty is necessary in the development of decision-making skills and that these skills are the essence of responsibility. Keep in mind that liberty goes with responsibility, differentiated from selfishness. There are, however, some rules so that the students can enjoy the life meaningfully at K.I.H.S., and teachers will give some instructions such as preparation, review, homework, quiz so that K.I.H.S. students can proceed their study effectively. K.I.H.S. students must follow those rules and instructions.
The selection of students at K.I.H.S. is based upon their academic performance, potential contribution to Kansai International High School and personal characteristics, without regard to race, sex, religion or nationality.
① KIHSの校風
KIHSの校風は、Liberty & Discipline(自由と規律)です。
② KIHSで言う「自由」とは
③ KIHSで言う「規律」とは
④ アットホームな校風
⑤ 少人数できめ細やかな集団教育
⑥ 日常の学習が英語力上達、人間力向上の鍵
Basic Guideline for KIHS Education
In order for students to have a valuable and a fulfilling school and learning experience at our organization, the fundamental rules are written in the student handbook. Meanings of some words written in the student handbook, school pamphlets, etc. are explained in detail.
Please thoroughly read the student handbook and the passage written here. In addition, make sure to read any notices posted in and outside of the classroom and follow its instructions.
①K.I.H.S.’s School Tradition
K.I.H.S.’s school discipline is “Liberty and Discipline”.
②K.I.H.S.’s ”Liberty”
K.I.H.S. respects each individual’s liberty. K.I.H.S. defines liberty as the liberty needed to make decisions on what is right, important, and good under sensible judgment for an individual to grow as an independent individual.
We believe that when liberty is given, decision-making skills are cultivated and one will become responsible for one’s decisions. However, individuals need to remember when entering this school that responsibility goes with liberty, and liberty and selfishness are different.
③K.I.H.S.’s ”Discipline”
K.I.H.S. values group education. Not one person can live on their own, so it is important to cultivate one’s sociality starting from when they are young. K.I.H.S. believes that sociality can be nurtured by group education.
School activities and classes are a part of group education. In order to enjoy and have a fulfilling life within a group, a fixed set of rules and order are necessary. In order to retain the order in the educational activities initiated at K.I.H.S., TPO (time, place, and occasion) and certain rules regarding behaving appropriately within a group are also emphasized as one controls him or herself. For example, clothing, hair color, etc. are to be regulated in a specific way by the school during formal school events such as the entrance ceremony, graduation ceremony, and M.U.N.
④A school tradition with a homey atmosphere
With liberty, discipline, and small class education, it is said that K.I.H.S. has an atmosphere like one is at home. This warm and frank atmosphere created by the effects of small class education and classes conducted by teachers from English-speaking countries has definitely become K.I.H.S.’s good tradition. However, as there is a saying of “Good manners even between friends,” in order to enjoy and have a fulfilling school life at K.I.H.S., remembering one’s place and respecting each other is required within the relationships between peers as well as between students and teachers.
⑤Fine group education with small classes.
Small class education is valued at K.I.H.S. This is because we believe small class education is indispensable to master practical English. In addition, it is definite that there is the advantage of being able to conduct fine education in small class education, which is not possible at schools with large groups of students. However, fine education conducted in small classes differs with individual education that is conducted in private-tutoring schools where individual needs are met at the greatest possible effort. The small class education conducted at K.I.H.S. does not mean that individuals’ certain wishes and needs are met at any time, but is a group education provided for students to become a good member of society and an independent world citizen.
Cherish your classmates and friends!
⑥Everyday learning improves one’s English skills, and is a key to self-improvement
In order to improve your English skills, one must control themselves and prepare and review for classes from oneself. If one studies continuously, anybody can improve. “If you try, you can do it.” “Persevering through something difficult makes one stronger.” In addition, if one improves their English and social study skills (which are the fundamental skills in order to play an active role in the M.U.N.) through this school’s active learning, their communication skills will increase as well. In short, continuous learning will lead to self-improvement that will be the power to live through modern society. This is the reason why this school emphasizes on attendance, gives daily homework and projects, and urges students to prepare and review for classes.
Make everyday effort to increase your English skills and improve yourself!